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Friday, November 21, 2014

"Make your own favors" - Really?

Why making your own favors might not be such a good idea after all.

We've all seen some Pinterest DIY fails and laughed and admitted that; "It won't happen to me!" 

Well, imagine the stress that you will be in a few days before the big event (wedding, baby baptism) with all the preparation work. Now, imagine that on top of that, you'll have to spend hours trying to find and order all the necessary supplies for your favors and wait impatiently to be delivered. Of course, if you have an army of little helpers things might be a little bit brighter but, you'll still have to orchestrate all the process and organize all the participants to get together. Some of them might have some previous experience but, nevertheless, not all of them will be good with their hands. So, you might end up with some fabulous favors and some of them might look like the hedgehog cake above! 

OK, OK I can hear you. Why not do them well in advance and not leave them to the last minute..? In case, your favors contain dragées then, they will have to stored in a dry, dark and cool place for the chocolate dragées not to melt. And, if you have small kids you will most probably have to lock them in a safe place, too. You do know how nosy small kids are. 

And, then, comes the cost. Unless, you are the Inspector Clouseau of Ebay or Amazon or some baptism supplies website, you will find it hard to find extremely cheap supplies. Due to the fact, that baptismal / christening shops buy their supplies in bulk at a lot lower prices, they can offer the final product at a fair price.

Now, that we have cleared out the cost and stress factors, let's look at the positive side of making your own favors. Most likely, if you make your own favors, you will get all the credit for such beautiful creations and of course, you will feel proud. Also, you would probably have created something unique that your guests haven't seen before. 

To conclude, a general tip when it comes to favors is to have a look at various designs and theme ideas, ask a few shops, either on-line or locally, whether they can custom make them for you and what the cost would be, and then do a search for supplies and calculate the cost for making them yourself. If, you feel, confident enough then go ahead and organize a favors party with your girl friends and start making them well in advance to the ceremony. 

I wish you all the best luck with your favors!  


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